OMG :))
Nothin' much to say here :))
Juz love to TALK TALK TALK !!!
So lets read my lalink here and do follow ell okeyh ?
People who are not interested wift my lalink,
Dush Dush ! Heee :))
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Monday, 21 March 2011

finally !

huh !! penat tekan tekan keyboard nie... edit sane edit sini.. upload sane download sini.. muncul jugak akhirnye lalink ell nie :)) happy?? of coz la der,, rase terawang awang plak *melompat tinggi lgi dan tggi lgi cecah awn dan gapai bintang bintanng... ahaks !! over dose plak happy dye kan ?? mane tak nyee.. btungkus lumus mbuat blogg nie.. yelaaa kawan2 laen sume dah cecah beratus ratus follower.. ell?? ohh tade lagi lahhh *malunyee ... yelaa blog lame uh dah delete.. yelahhh banyak kan citer2 sedey sedey sgt.. ta tahan eden mbacenye.. soo create the new one !!

tadaaaaaaa... canntek taaaa??? cantek taaa?? * muke bangge .. cantek kannn.. ahahah nie lah hasil nye bile ell menunpukan 100% tumpuan *pembelajaran class CB mhadap lappy kecik nie utk create lalinkk ell nie dri kul 10 pgi tdi lgi tauu tauu.. penat ta hengat !! erkkkk.. tapi pape unn thx bebanyak kat org2 y tlh mbntu ell wat blog nie..

especially to :

Idwan Boo
Nurull Fathehah
Nur 'Aiffa
Siti Rohayu

sayang korunk sgt sgt taukkk!!!!
kecian mereka mereka di atas nieyh asek kene kacau dgn ell jek kannn.. pape unn ell tetap hearts korunk !!! muah muahhhh * hambik kau flying kish nie ..tapi kannnn... nanti nanti bantu ell lgi yekkk... :))) okay enough ell.. ta abesh abesh dengan talk talk talk dye tuh !! please...
e l l f u l l s t o p !! 


Anonymous said...

yeay2!! ad name saya! haha

ell♥ said...

ninja kecik ka tulunn :)